8 Trends in Digital Marketing You Must Know

We are living in 2021, and if you have an online business, you need to know about these fantastic 8 digital trends. The digital market is constantly changing and growing. Thus keeping up to date with it is a difficult task.  

So, if you have a business online or a website online like an escape room, you are in the right place, as this will help you in boosting your sales and traffic to your website by quite a bit. 

From small businesses to large-scale businesses, almost everyone is extensively dependent on the ways and techniques of digital marketing to increase the reach of their product and hence increase overall sales.  

8 Trends in Digital Marketing

Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Digital-Marketing.jpg

Even though the basic marketing strategies and techniques do remain almost the same, one cannot deny that the use of the recently updated software and technologies undeniably calls for a greater knowledge of the present marketing trends.  

It is only advisable to have proper knowledge of the digital marketing trends that one needs to use in the year 2021 for proper acquainted with the competition niches. In this article, we shall be talking in detail about the top 8 trends in digital marketing that you should know and that you and your company or organization need to be aware of. So, let’s get started! 

1.You need to use chatbots now! 

Chatbots are nowadays fast in making their space in the sphere of digital marketing. This tool is of immense use to let your brand flourish and grow. As more and more customers are looking for a quick, personalized, and reliable chat option with the company or brand, chatbots have become the most well-suited option that customers seem delighted to opt for! 

Chatbots or simply bots have become so popular among people, owing to the much craved for the personalized customer service experience. This year, it is now time for your company to get accustomed to using a suitable chatbot to help manage your business even more effectively and seamlessly! As most chatbots generally collaborate with popular messaging platforms like WhatsApp, they can help you reach your target audience.  

2.Social Media Marketing is going to boost your brand and business 

Advertising your brand with acute proficiency and sufficient precision is a much-needed thing to do if you wish to make your brand known to a large population. For example, Instagram, which has become an immensely popular social media platform these days, can surely provide you with a great space to advertise your brand. 

 Instagram remains to date one of the most famous image-based social media platforms, and it makes it an even more suitable space to advertise your brand. Make use of the various delightful features available on Instagram to serve your purpose.  

Make your brand’s Instagram page as unique as possible. Consider posting imaginative, innovative, and creative posts of your brand up on Instagram to promote and advertise your company.  

social media marketing

Source: https://pxhere.com/en/photo/1558525

Similarly, you can use other social media sites as well by making curated content and advertising on those platforms as well. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn are just some examples of social media sites you can use for marketing. 

3.Keep yourself updated with Digital Marketing Tools 

Yes, Google Analytics is a great and reliable tool to help you to analyze your marketing policies and strategies. But it is always better to also use yet another analytics tool other than just relying on one.  

If you wish to strongly combat and compete against all the other competitors of yours in this age of digital marketing, it is only fair that you, too, use more than one analytics tool instead of just using one.  

There are a lot of digital marketing tools that can help you in campaigning your brand. Staying up to date will allow you to get the best out of your digital marketing campaign. 

4.Voice Commands are valuable  

With science and technology improving and developing in leaps and bounds, voice search has become something that each one of us finds so immensely useful. Estimates even show that voice searches account for approximately 50% of the recent sales.  

To keep pace with the changing trends of digital marketing, many companies and organizations these days are optimizing their software to make way for the voice search tool to be available on their apps and/or websites.  

There are many voice searching tools available these days, which have helped make business so much easier! Make use of one such suitable voice search tool for your company’s business and let your sales soar as high as ever!  

5.Personalize your Campaign 

Personalization is a greatly prized tool when it comes to digital marketing strategies. It is always essential for you to keep in mind that not all of your customers share the same tastes and desires and are bound to have diverse preferences and choices.  

As one that is reliable, your company or organization needs to make sure that each of your customers feels the desires and tastes catered to. One may make use of the various recommendation engines and other tools to study the taste and choices of each of the customers and then provide them with the things that they most desire. 

Having a more personalized customer experience is what companies and organizations should strive for, so should yours!  

6.Using a single channel or platform for marketing your business is simply not enough! 

Nowadays, most businesses are seen to spread their reaches to almost every possible platform to showcase and make their brand known to many! Companies and organizations these days are seen to have a page or account on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and any other possible platform to expand their company’s reach.  

Make sure that your company also indulges in doing the same to make your brand grow and flourish! Simply having and making use of only one platform is insufficient to make your business flourish these days. 

7.Email Marketing Channels 

Although emails can be the oldest mode of outreaching, they are still of immense use even today. One can send in an email now and then to customers or even people who happen to visit the website of the respective company or organization.  

It can be of great help in digital marketing strategies and let your business soar high! Ensure that you do not forget to add in a bit of personalization as your email your viewers and customers. An email can surely go a long way in making people attracted to your website and hence to your brand.  

8.Engagement with customers is important 

Engagement is a popular and effective way to popularize your brand. You build trust and gain a loyal following for your brand through engagement. There are a lot of ways in which you can build engagement. 

Hosting live video streaming can be an effective way to get to know your customers better. One can even have a live question and answer session every month to learn from your customers what they desire.  

Having a Q & A will help you have a better and more personalized interaction with your customers. Go ahead and engage with the followers of your brand to make it more known to people! 


So, there you are! These are a few of the top digital marketing trends that you should know. Make sure that you harness each with care to make your business soar high!  

It is incredibly important to keep yourself up to date with these trends in a market that is constantly growing. If you plan to grow online, follow these trends and watch your business grow!