Feel The Diversity Of Flora Through Australian Native Plants

There has never been a better time to start a garden, and native plants are a great place to start because they are adaptable to any design scheme. Australia is also blessed with a wide variety of rare and exotic flora. So many unique Australian native plants are beginning to be explored and enjoyed.


You can get the look of an authentic Australian native environment by employing a more organic, naturalistic design style.


Expert horticulturists recommend using repurposed, natural materials such as timber sleepers for bed edging and crushed granite for walkways. Don’t be stiff; the layout should feature rounded corners and flowing lines.


Grass, arid plants, shrubs, ground cover, succulents, herbs, food plants, fruit, and berries are all in a garden full of native Australian plants.


Instead of a lawn, you may have thick plantings of natural shrubs and grasses in deep garden beds connected by twisting walks.

Various Australian native plants to choose from

Wattle( Acacia)

The wattle tree is a fast-growing specimen that features attractive yellow flower balls. There are approximately 1,350 species of acacia in the globe, with around 1,000 occurring in Australia alone. Growing any of these species can benefit Australian birds by providing them with shelter, food, and habitats. Due to their high pollen content, they are frequently used to lure in native bees. Wattles are tough plants that thrive in full sun and well-drained soil. Light pruning can maintain the wattle’s aesthetic. The golden wattle, Australia’s national flower, is common in Canberra, southern New South Wales, the Adelaide Hills, and Victoria. Spring and summer are peak bloom times, and September 1 is recognised as Wattle Day.

Gum tree(Eucalyptus)

Some of Australia’s most recognisable animals, like the koala, call eucalyptus trees (also known as gum trees) home. There are more than 2,800 species of eucalyptus trees. You can find eucalyptus trees, from the old river red gums in South Australia’s Flinders Ranges to the silver and crimson snow gums of the Australian Alps. The Blue Mountains are named for the blue haze produced by the oil-bearing eucalypt trees. These trees make up the world’s most diversified group of eucalypt species. They can adjust to new environments quickly, so you can find them growing in places they weren’t originally intended to.


Banksias can range from ground covers and low shrubs to low-growing trees, and their flowers come in a range of colours from greenish-white and yellow to orange and red. Flowers with high nectar content are a magnet for pollinators like bees and avian pollinators like birds. Banksias thrive in sunny locations with well-drained sandy soils. After planting, they will need regular watering, but once they are established, they will require little care and can even thrive in dry soil. You should choose an Australian native plant fertiliser with a controlled release time.

Silver falls plant

Dichondra Argentea, sometimes known as Silver Falls plant, is a Central American herbaceous perennial evergreen. This versatile plant can be planted on a low ground cover or cascaded over the edge of a raised bed or container. The trailing foliage of this plant makes it ideal for hanging baskets.


Those silvery, light green leaves inspired the park’s namesake, its strong growth, rapid coverage, and ease of care, it is much sought after. The tiny, tender, kidney-shaped leaves of Dichondra Silver Falls range in colour from silvery grey to light green. It thrives in the garden’s bright sunlight and appreciates loose, well-drained soil. Once established, it can withstand extreme heat and drought. By keeping it indoors, silver fall can beat Australian winter. 

Wrap up

These varieties of plants can make places desirable and influence you to establish your own garden. The plants are diverse and attract many species of birds and small mammals. However, plants positively affect one’s mind and body, so being in their company rejuvenates senses and soul.