Know Everything About String of Hearts Before planting it at Home

A string of hearts is a type of plant that is known for its heart-shaped leaves and trailing growth habit. It is a popular choice for hanging baskets and pots and is often used as a houseplant or in outdoor gardens. It is also known by other names such as Ceropegia Woodii, Heart Vine, and Sweetheart Vine. The string of hearts plant has thin, delicate stems that can grow up to several feet long and is characterised by its small, heart-shaped leaves that are usually green in colour. The plant produces small, purple, or pink flowers that resemble tiny tubes, and these flowers are often used in bouquets and arrangements.

Caring Guide For String of Hearts

Heart string thrives in strong indirect sunlight. A string of hearts can’t make it in dim conditions, and the hot sun will damage the leaves. Variation in the leaves may become more pronounced when exposed to bright indirect light. The string of hearts is not receiving enough light if there are huge gaps between the leaves.


Permanently wet down. One or two weekly waterings are sufficient in the spring and summer. You must water the plant every fortnight during the autumn and winter while it is dormant. Allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings. Yellowing of foliage and root rot are symptoms of overwatering. A water-loving string of hearts can endure drought thanks to their leafy storage mechanisms; nevertheless, if the foliage on your plant appears faded and deflated, it is in need of water.


It’s best to play a string of hearts when the weather is nice and toasty. These plants’ optimal range of temperatures is between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Avoid exposing your string of hearts to climate conditions below 41 degrees Fahrenheit in the winter.


To promote floral development, fertiliser should be added. Even though String of hearts doesn’t require a lot of food, you may help it bloom more profusely by fertilising it once or twice a year from the duration of spring to summer with a houseplant fertiliser.


Even though a string of hearts doesn’t require a lot of food, you may help it bloom more profusely by fertilising it once or twice a year from the duration of spring to summer with a houseplant fertiliser.


Make room for the heartstring to expand. In order to prevent the string of heart plants from drowning, repot it into a container that is one to two inches larger. Select porous and well-draining potting mixes, such as one made specifically for cacti and succulents or one made by combining perlite and coco coir, for your indoor plants. If you want to repot your plant, you should hold off until early spring.

The String of Hearts Plant and Its Propagation

Replicating the string of heart plants is simple. To start a new heartstring from a cutting, do as follows:


  • If your plant has a nodule, step one is to prune the area around it. Once the plant has bloomed, it will produce aerial tubers that look like beads. Most of the time, these nodules will start to grow roots if they come into contact with soil. Those vines can be propagated by cutting off a tuber section.
  • You should then plant the root in the ground. Plant the cutting in the soil of a fresh container. Let it sit on the ground for a while.
  • It is important to maintain a wet soil environment. Rooting takes about 4 weeks or more, so be sure to maintain the soil moist during this time.


The string of hearts plant is easy to care for and requires minimal maintenance. It thrives in well-draining soil and prefers indirect sunlight. It is sensitive to overwatering, so allowing the soil to dry out between waterings is important. The plant is also sensitive to extreme temperature changes, so it is best to keep it in a location that is protected from drafts and extremes in temperature.