10 DPO | Symptoms Indications to Know if You Are Pregnant

Every woman experiences both excitement and stress when taking a pregnancy test. This is especially true if you have been trying to get pregnant for a while and have previously received unfavorable news. It is typical to feel worried and eager to find any indication of early pregnancy after ovulation, even before the two-week waiting period has passed.

You may not notice any significant changes since your body may not have created enough hormones for the home test to pick them up. Let’s examine 10 DPO signs and when to get tested if you suspect pregnancy.

Pregnancy Symptoms at 10 DPO

Some typical early-pregnancy symptoms, like weariness, breast tenderness, cramps, and nausea, may appear after ovulation, though they don’t always signify pregnancy.

Consult your healthcare practitioner if you decide to take a test, and the results are negative, but you are still missing your period. They will make an effort to pinpoint the precise origin of these symptoms. These signs may occasionally point to an ectopic pregnancy or another medical issue.

You will probably encounter the following signs of pregnancy:

Exhaustion And Fatigue:

Progesterone excess can cause a variety of symptoms, including fatigue, nausea, and constipation. Spending time relaxing could help you regain energy if you feel abnormally worn out. Take leisurely strolls or spend time partaking in your own pastimes.

Stomach Pain:

Early pregnancy symptoms can include mild cramps and dull pressure in the lower abdomen. Start working out more, drink lots of water, get calming massages, and develop sound sleeping habits to lessen the pain. Visit your healthcare practitioner if your cramps get really bad.

Intestinal Problems:

High hormone levels can greatly impact your digestive system. Since progesterone relaxes smooth muscles throughout the body, it is well-known that it slows down digestion. Constipation, bloating, and occasional gas are the results of this.


A rise in progesterone during the first trimester may also induce backaches, causing the discs and ligaments that support your back to relax. Your body naturally does this to get ready for pregnancy and childbirth.

Breast Sensitivity:

Due to increased blood flow to tissues in this area, painful or enlarged breasts are a symptom of both PMS and early pregnancy.


Progesterone is once more the main factor in causing nausea and vomiting. It might cause a decrease in appetite when combined with bloating, gas, and constipation.

Due to their heightened sensitivity to particular aromas like perfume or cigarette smoke, many people experience nausea while pregnant. The slightest scent might cause excruciating agony.


Headaches, which are frequently experienced during the first trimester and are brought on by hormonal changes and increased blood flow, are another typical symptom.

Symptoms When You Are Not Pregnant

  • Light cramps
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Enlarged or sensitive breasts
  • Headaches
  • A hot flash
  • Backaches
  • Often urinating
  • Heartburn

Take a pregnancy test if you have been trying to get pregnant and any of the symptoms listed above start about 10 days after ovulation. Blood hCG tests can provide more accurate results at this early stage since they are more sensitive than urine hCG testing. Take the test again at 11 DPO or 14 DPO, when hCG levels should be higher if you receive a BFN at 10 DPO.

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