How DevOps Helps Businesses Tackle Technical Debt

Technical debt is like that pile of dirty laundry you keep putting off; the longer you ignore it, the messier it gets. Talking about software development, this debt accumulates when shortcuts, quick fixes, or suboptimal solutions are employed, thereby ultimately impacting the quality, performance, and maintainability of software systems. 

Addressing technical debt is paramount, and this is where DevOps for technical debt is really beneficial for any business. In this blog, we’ll explore how DevOps helps businesses combat technical debt and keep their digital assets fresh and efficient.

Why is it Important to Address Technical Debt?

Before diving into the nitty-gritty of DevOps, let us understand why addressing technical debt is of utmost importance. Technical debt, like its monetary counterpart, can accumulate interest over time, leading to numerous issues:

  1. Maintain Software Quality

Unresolved technical debt can lead to poor code quality, making it increasingly difficult to maintain and improve the software. A product riddled with technical debt will more likely face more frequent updates and patches to fix issues. 

This can be disruptive to users, leading to frustration and dissatisfaction. In contrast, when technical debt is proactively managed and reduced, users are more likely to have a smooth and enjoyable experience, leading to higher satisfaction and customer loyalty.

  1. Facilitate Future Development

Accumulated debt can slow down the pace of future development and innovation, hampering a company’s agility. The shortcuts, hacks, and suboptimal solutions introduced in the past can slow down the pace of future development. Addressing technical debt is essential for maintaining growth.

  1. Enhance User Satisfaction

Quality issues resulting from technical debt can frustrate users and tarnish a company’s reputation. A software application with high technical debt is more likely to experience frequent crashes, slow performance, and unexpected behavior. 

Users encountering such issues may become frustrated, lose trust in the software, and potentially switch to competitors’ products. Addressing technical debt is essential to prevent software quality from deteriorating and to maintain a positive user experience.

  1. Enable Innovation

A clean codebase fosters innovation and the ability to adapt to market changes swiftly. Innovation often requires a solid foundation to build upon. In software development, this foundation is the codebase. Accumulated technical debt can make the codebase unstable and prone to unexpected problems, hindering innovation efforts.

Addressing technical debt is essential for creating an environment where innovation can flourish. Clean, efficient code enables developers to explore new ideas, experiment with emerging technologies, and adapt to changing market demands. Without addressing technical debt, innovation efforts can become mired in fixing existing problems, stifling creativity and progress.

  1. Reduce Maintenance Costs

Finally, maintaining software can be a bit costly. When technical debt is left as it is, it can lead to higher ongoing maintenance costs. The time and resources spent on fixing issues caused by technical debt, managing workarounds, and patching problems can accumulate over time.

After proactively managing and reducing technical debt, companies can minimize maintenance costs. It’s often more cost-effective to invest in addressing technical debt early rather than dealing with the consequences of neglecting it, which can include higher maintenance expenses and potential lost revenue due to user dissatisfaction.

How DevOps Can Help Reduce Technical Debt

Now, let us look at the power and DevOps benefits and explore how it can help reduce technical debt effectively:

  1. Early-Stage Testing for Quality Assurance

Incorporating automated testing into the development process ensures that the issues are caught early, reducing the likelihood of accumulating technical debt. Continuous Integration, as well as Continuous Delivery pipelines, allow for regular testing, so you can fix problems when they’re small and manageable.

  1. Prioritize and Tackle Major Issues First

DevOps introduces tools and practices that help you prioritize the most critical technical debt items. After addressing the biggest issues first, you prevent them from snowballing into insurmountable challenges. It’s like handling the most dangerous fires before they spread.


  1. Foster Collaborative Development and Operations

DevOps brings developers as well as operations teams together to work collaboratively. This ensures that the code is not only efficient but also operable well in a production environment. Collaboration reduces the chances of technical debt creeping in due to misalignment between development and operations.

  1. Amplify Automation Across the Lifecycle

DevOps services encourages automation throughout the software development lifecycle. Automated testing, deployment, and monitoring not only reduce manual errors but also prevent technical debt from accumulating through manual workarounds and inefficiencies.

  1. Immediate Resolution, Avoid Procrastination

DevOps principles encourage addressing issues as soon as they’re identified. This proactive approach ensures that technical debt doesn’t accumulate due to procrastination. Think of it as fixing a leaky faucet before it floods your kitchen.

  1. Cultivate a DevOps Culture

DevOps is not just about tools; it’s a cultural shift within the organizations. After instilling a DevOps culture, you create an environment where everyone is responsible for code quality and the prevention of technical debt. It’s a shared mission to keep the codebase clean and efficient.


  • Adapt to Market Changes: Software markets evolve rapidly. Without a clean codebase, your software may struggle to pivot in response to new trends, technologies, or customer demands.
  • Experiment and Iterate: Innovation often involves experimentation and iteration. Technical debt can make it difficult to test new ideas or quickly refine and implement changes.
  • Attract Talent: Skilled developers are more likely to be attracted to projects that value code quality and innovation. A messy codebase may deter talented individuals from joining your team.


  1. Define Precise DevOps Standards

Establishing clear DevOps standards and best practices can serve as guidelines to prevent technical debt. These standards include code review procedures, version control practices, and documentation.

Ending note

The digital landscape is constantly evolving, and technical debt can be a formidable hindrance to progress. DevOps, with its emphasis on automation, collaboration, and a culture of quality, offers all the necessary tools and practices needed to address technical debt effectively. 

After reducing technical debt, businesses can maintain software quality, enhance user satisfaction, enable innovation, and keep maintenance costs in check. So, if you want your software to stay agile and avoid the ever-accumulating interest of technical debt, embrace DevOps and let it be your partner in the aspects of code maintenance.