How to counter pick Akali? Top 8 Akali counters.

If you know who can counter Akali? It’s possible to quickly or properly counter select Akali counters. Here we will give you information about LoL winners that can counter pick Akali.

Akali is the most popular character you’re playing for quite a while. Here the important question is ways to counter select Akali. Which counters we ought to opt to play against Akali.

The Majority of the summoner’s eviction Akali in the mid lane. In a league of champions, Akali is the assassin champion. In this guide, we’ll discuss top counters that we could choose to counter Akali.

Some essential tips for playing against Akali

  • Alkali can use Mark double using its shroud dashes; you have to prevent it carefully.
  • Akali cannot use her shroud openly, and when the competitor has stealth reveal abilities such as Lee Sin, it makes it hard for Alkali to utilize her cloak openly.
  • Always try to choose counter winners that have stealth reveal.
  • Update the oracle lens because they may negate the stealth she obtained through her shroud.
  • Before getting her ultimate, try to punish her maximum in the mid lane before getting her maximum.
  • Alkali is hit by her shroud’s abilities, e.g., Area Of Effect(AOE).

Best Akali Counters

List of best Akali counters.

  • Annie
  • Morgana
  • Lissandra
  • Lee Sin
  • Corki
  • Rumble
  • Azir
  • Malzahar


Annie has a vast AoE (Area of Effect) burst, and when Alkali is in her stealth, she is exposed to Annie.

Use Annie’s complete combo when Alkali tries to activate her shroud. Annie has a lot of crowd control.

Annie - Akali Counter Play


You can effectively react when she jumps. During leaping using her traveling time, you can proc and pool as you walk off.

Whenever your binding is on cooldown, be extremely careful. She can really screw you without your CC(crowd control) ability.

Morgana - Akali Counter Play

You can judge on behalf of their health whether or not you should escape or kill. In case you have managed at par 2,25% of her health off, you ought to go for kill attempt/poll/ignite and bind.


You need to prevent it if Alkali jumps on you. The 3 jumps you can stop and may harm her effectively.

On the first jump, rooting her because you move back, or WQ her. On the next jump, cast your own E, also ult her. On the next jump, ult is going to be a favorable exchange for you.

You can target her existing location using your Q. It will hit her, and also the outcome breaks it outside on hitting.

Lissandra - Counter Play

Lee Sin

Lee Sin – Akali Counter Play

You can get an edge by using your Q and E to show Akali’s stealth.


Corki – Akali Counter Play

He uses magic damage that’s around 90% really high with a minimal 54% winning speed that’s a high rating. His principal weapon of choice is magic. He’s a mid liner. Remember Corki is an appealing personality.


Rumble – Akali Counter Play

Whenever Rumble utilizes his basic skills, he profits 20 Heat each and every moment. After his Heat goes over 50, he enters to the Danger Zone and gets improved abilities.

The main reason behind it’s the fact that it must cool down. Additionally, his physical attacks deal an extra 20 + (5 x per level) + (30% of skill power) magic damage for the rest of the duration.

He loses 10 Heating for every minute after the passing of 4 minutes of not using his abilities.


Azir – Akali Counter Play

What makes Azir standout is his ability to utilize the Disc of the Sun. He can make a Sun Disc that can be the standard turret but provides Azir any of those gold it may earn. A Sun Disc’s health decays within the span of 1 second and it’ll lose its armor when Azir moves away too far or dies.


Malzahar – Akali Counter Play

Malzahar has the ability to activate Void Shift after preventing direct damage from 12 to 30 seconds. Malzahar during the Void Shift takes only 90% decreased damage in addition to having the ability of crowd control.

He could lose Void Shift after taking damage and the timeline is simply 0.25 seconds. That harm can come through from a non-minion origin or blocking a crowd control effect.